Saturday, November 23, 2013

In Mission Together Roundtable, Cincinnati, Ohio - Nov. 7 - 9

The In-Mission-Together Roundtable that Lee and I attended in Cincinnati was a good experience; it offered helpful information, worship and Bible study via the internet with hubs in Europe, interesting workshops, warm and friendly fellowship among the participants. 

Participants in the Roundtable

Information is shared about the UMCs in the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans

Worship with friends in Europe via the Internet 
Fellowship among participants from Europe and the USA
Worship at Cheviot UMC
Here is the Advent devotional booklet from Eastern Europe and the Balkans

Thanksgiving for the Harvest - Sunday, October 13

On October 13, we celebrated “Thanksgiving for the Harvest” in our UMCs in Macedonia.  At the morning worship in Strumica, the children presented a lively drama about Jonah and the whale. The church was decorated with fruits and vegetables and Holy Communion was celebrated. 

Donations of fruits, vegetables and grains decorated the church. These were later given to the Meals on Wheels program.

The children present the story of Jonah and the whale. "It's Your fault, Jonah!" says one of the sailors.

The whale prepares to swallow Jonah.

The king and citizens of Nineveh listen to Jonah's warning.

Women's Seminar - September 10 - 13

A seminar for about 40 women from our UMCs in Macedonia was held at beautiful Lake Ohrid.  The theme was “God’s YES for me.”  The presenter, Heidi Streiff from Switzerland, used many visual aids, such as dolls, stones, mirrors and broken pottery, arranged and rearranged in different ways to emphasize the points of the Bible lessons.  Worship, Bible lessons, singing and fellowship were enjoyed by all.

Coffee break overlooking the lake

BIble lesson - God heals our brokenness

Closing worship